Friday, 25 March 2011

Enter: Quicksilver

I write these words on a computer whose already 17″ freakishly massive display has a pixel density of an Apple 24″ LED Cinema Display. Yes, the machine is huge. But it’s going to be put through its paces, very much so.

The keyboard feels amazing. It’s soft, understated, and very, very, very quiet. It also sports fibre-optic backlighting. The thumbscoop on the front is the result of hundreds of prototypes, each one being examined underneath an electron microscope and tested multiple times in usability studies before the final one on the front of each Unibodied machine was chosen.

The trackpad is wear-resistant etched glass, with no button; the entire surface is the button. Its tactility feels super natural, as is intended, and one doesn’t miss the presence of the button, as the thumb naturally falls into place and feels comfortable when making the click. The physical surface of the machine is hard to describe. The bead-blasting is something I haven’t ever experienced in a notebook before. Not even on my Powerbook G4. It’s just more refined, and totally gorgeous.

As for the body of the machine, it’s. CNC-machined aluminum. Very rigid. No flex in the body. Rounded corners, It’s hard to describe, unless you see it in person.

And did I mention the quality of the display?! This is no longer a notebook. I don’t think it even classifies as a laptop. It’s a freaking desktop-class machine in one’s lap.

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