Friday, 25 March 2011

The TVP105 Files: House Lights Can be Deadly!

Walking into the studio from the outside, I encounter a dimly-lit studio - Bruce and David are milling over towards one side, a few members of the class are sitting down. The rest of the class hadn't entered yet. Knowing where the house light switches are, I decided to innocently walk into the prop bay and turn them on. This was a big mistake, as I'd eventually discover:

*hearing Bruce walking towards the prop bay door*
Bruce: 'What'd you do that for?!'
Jonathan: 'It's dark, I couldn't see anything, so I turned on the house lights.'
Bruce: 'Uh... Why?'
Jonathan: '...Without lights, you can't see; the camera cables are in the way of the door, they're a trip hazard.'
*David interjects*
David: 'Bruce is assuming role of floor manager - you can't turn the house lights on unless he asks for them.'
Bruce: 'You know full-well that the conditions inside of the studio are going to be different from those outside, including lighting; have you not considered that I wanted the house lights to be off?!'
Jonathan: 'Sorry, Bruce.'
While trying to retain a shred of dignity, I scurry away and plop myself down on a stack of seats at the back of the studio - meanwhile half the class that hasn't entered the studio is in the airlock.

'It's dark!'
'I can't see ANYTHING!'
'Oh! There's a cable there! I nearly tripped!'

Today we were introduced to resident TV Land B-list celebrity, Mr. Fugly, while practicing camera moves to music. Our rockstar was obviously Mr. Fugly. 'twas an interesting experience for all involved, especially for me at the beginning.

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